Hello Guys!
I seek your help once again in my struggle to make my website stable again.
For a strange reason my website doesn’t run. I have html 500 error code upon loading the main page. The logs from web app machine is all ok. Machine starts and run. However the postgres VM is screaming of errors.
2025-01-24T02:25:19.939 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | Running…
2025-01-24T02:25:19.947 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:19] [NOTICE] repmgrd (repmgrd 5.4.1) starting up
2025-01-24T02:25:19.947 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:19] [INFO] connecting to database “host=fdaa:2:e0e4:a7b:80:2ecf:9e82:2 port=5433 user=repmgr dbname=repmgr connect_timeout=5”
2025-01-24T02:25:19.971 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | INFO: set_repmgrd_pid(): provided pidfile is /tmp/repmgrd.pid
2025-01-24T02:25:19.971 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:19] [NOTICE] starting monitoring of node “fdaa:2:e0e4:a7b:80:2ecf:9e82:2” (ID: 1950994327)
2025-01-24T02:25:19.971 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:19] [INFO] “connection_check_type” set to “ping”
2025-01-24T02:25:20.500 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] failed post-init: failed to register existing standby: failed to register standby: exit status 1. Retrying…
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [ERROR] connection to database failed
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [DETAIL]
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | connection to server at “fdaa:2:e0e4:a7b:2cd:1ca8:cf98:2”, port 5433 failed: timeout expired
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd |
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [DETAIL] attempted to connect using:
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | user=repmgr connect_timeout=5 dbname=repmgr host=fdaa:2:e0e4:a7b:2cd:1ca8:cf98:2 port=5433 fallback_application_name=repmgr options=-csearch_path=
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [ERROR] unable connect to upstream node (ID: 656412248), terminating
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [HINT] upstream node must be running before repmgrd can start
2025-01-24T02:25:24.978 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | [2025-01-24 02:25:24] [INFO] repmgrd terminating…
2025-01-24T02:25:24.981 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | exit status 6
2025-01-24T02:25:24.981 app[178103db9120d8] sin [info] repmgrd | restarting in 5s [attempt 2369]
It is hard for me to understand much from error logs. I can only understand that there is a communication issue between two.
To give you a little context. This is Django framework. Launched without DB and DB created and attached with flyctl db create and flyctl db attach
Then I had no change DB_URL_ENV to select the table with my existing data instead of blank one.