Hi Guys!
I am trying to clone my machine or scale it to have some resilience to failures but unfortunately it doesn’t really work
(.venv) PS C:\Users\Andrey Ocheretianko\PycharmProjects\Sugarcane bakery workload planner> flyctl machines clone d890de9b011d28 --attach-volume vol_r6p170m3qgqygqnv --region waw -a make-my-cake-workload-planner-db
Cloning Machine d890de9b011d28 into region waw
Attaching existing volume vol_r6p170m3qgqygqnv
Provisioning a new Machine with image docker-hub-mirror.fly.io/flyio/postgres-flex:16.6@sha256:ef5d0a6971d1d22bf92671b2447cb32cd4443250531a7c540567318d8b72cb54...
Machine e784402a4090d8 has been created...
Waiting for Machine e784402a4090d8 to start...
Error: error while watching health checks: context deadline exceeded
When I scale
(.venv) PS C:\Users\Andrey Ocheretianko\PycharmProjects\Sugarcane bakery workload planner> flyctl scale count 2 --app make-my-cake-workload-planner-db
Error: this app has no complete releases. Run `fly deploy` to create one and rerun this command
I slightly understand the reason why it says ‘no complete releases’ I had a zombie node and during countless attempts to restore my app and its data I launched app with no DB and assigned it manually.
What can I do to scale my DB machines or to clone it?