Thanks for the help and sorry for the late reply. This is the console output.
automatically selected personal organization: Research Gains
New WireGuard peer for organization ‘personal’: ‘interactive-agent-localhost-researchgainscopy-gmail-com-01H1ETNHZ7ZMMWNGYARMP5JTZA’
DEBUG Loaded flyctl config from/root/.fly/config.yml
DEBUG determined hostname: “localhost”
DEBUG determined working directory: “/home/researchgains”
DEBUG determined user home directory: “/root”
DEBUG determined config directory: “/root/.fly”
DEBUG ensured config directory exists.
DEBUG ensured config directory perms.
DEBUG cache loaded.
DEBUG config initialized.
DEBUG initialized task manager.
DEBUG started querying for new release
DEBUG client initialized.
DEBUG Config has metrics token
2023/05/27 14:44:16.686732 srv OK 19783
2023/05/27 14:45:48.315753 #1 connected …
2023/05/27 14:45:48.319578 srv config change at: 2023-05-27 14:45:48.305983599 +0000 UTC
2023/05/27 14:45:48.319760 #1 ← ( 4) “ping”
2023/05/27 14:45:48.320181 #1 → ( 56) “6\x00ok {"PID":19783,"Version":"0.1.8","Background":false}\n”
2023/05/27 14:45:48.320288 #1 dropped.
2023/05/27 14:45:48.327299 #2 connected …
2023/05/27 14:45:48.328296 #2 ← ( 18) “establish personal”
DEBUG → POST GraphQL Playground
“query”: “query($admin: Boolean!) { organizations(admin: $admin) { nodes { id slug name type paidPlan } } }”,
“variables”: {
“admin”: false
DEBUG ← 200 GraphQL Playground (780.1ms)
“data”: {
“organizations”: {
“nodes”: [
“id”: “RVLZQkpYjPL7yTyD6ne82l5gq8TvbxlMe”,
“slug”: “personal”,
“name”: “Research Gains”,
“type”: “PERSONAL”,
“paidPlan”: false
wg connect fdaa:1:7310::3 fdaa:1:7310:a7b:16a9:0:a:900 fdaa:1:7310::
2023/05/27 14:45:49.292240 srv returning port: 54165
2023/05/27 14:45:49.292309 srv (re-)connecting to wss://
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 UAPI: Updating private key
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 4 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 1 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 1 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 1 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 2 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 2 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 2 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 3 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 3 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 3 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 5 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 4 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 5 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 6 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 4 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 5 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 6 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 6 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 7 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 7 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: encryption worker 8 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 7 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: handshake worker 8 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: decryption worker 8 - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: event worker - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Interface up requested
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - UAPI: Created
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - UAPI: Updating endpoint
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - UAPI: Adding allowedip
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - UAPI: Updating persistent keepalive interval
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Starting
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Routine: sequential receiver - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Routine: sequential sender - started
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Routine: TUN reader - started
ERROR: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Unable to update bind: permission denied
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Stopping
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Routine: sequential receiver - stopped
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Interface state was Down, requested Up, now Down
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 peer(yUyg…JFTQ) - Routine: sequential sender - stopped
ERROR: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Unable to update bind: permission denied
DEBUG: (fly-ssh) 2023/05/27 14:45:49 Interface state was Down, requested Up, now Down
2023/05/27 14:45:49.985830 #2 → ( 753) “\xef\x02ok {"WireGuardState":{"org":"personal","name":"interactive-agent-localhost-researchgainscopy-gmail-com-01H1ETNHZ7ZMMWNGYARMP5JTZA","region":"ams","localPrivateKey":"[redacted]","localpublic":"wJASCuJfNb9SZz+5EZXTDKn7XY/OHDwxOmvG6AngmgY=","dns":"","peer":{"peerip":"fdaa:1:7310:a7b:16a9:0:a:902","endpointip":"","pubkey":"yUyg63j5+17YeJ7gRhxoQuF6rvdX0JF59M6skytJFTQ="}},"TunnelConfig":{"LocalPrivateKey":"[redacted]","LocalNetwork":"fdaa:1:7310:a7b:16a9:0:a:900/120","RemotePublicKey":"yUyg63j5+17YeJ7gRhxoQuF6rvdX0JF59M6skytJFTQ=","RemoteNetwork":"fdaa:1:7310::/48","Endpoint":"","DNS":"fdaa:1:7310::3","KeepAlive":0,"MTU":0,"LogLevel":2}}\n”
2023/05/27 14:45:49.986167 #2 dropped.
2023/05/27 14:45:49.991151 #3 connected …
2023/05/27 14:45:49.993385 #3 ← ( 14) “probe personal”
2023/05/27 14:45:49.993444 srv probing “personal” …
2023/05/27 14:45:54.995852 #3 → ( 58) “8\x00err failed probing "personal": context deadline exceeded”
2023/05/27 14:45:54.995930 #3 dropped.
DEBUG → POST GraphQL Playground
“query”: “mutation($input: ValidateWireGuardPeersInput!) { validateWireGuardPeers(input: $input) { invalidPeerIps } }”,
“variables”: {
“input”: {
“peerIps”: [
DEBUG ← 200 GraphQL Playground (271.23ms)
“data”: {
“validateWireGuardPeers”: {
2023/05/27 14:46:16.968687 srv validated wireguard peers