In the last three hours, I tried deploying 30 times or so. 29 times it failed, 1 time it worked. The deployments Failed due to unhealthy allocations. This is the vm status output:
2023-02-26T04:16:57Z Received Task received by client
2023-02-26T04:16:57Z Task Setup Building Task Directory
2023-02-26T04:16:58Z Driver Failure rpc error: code = Unknown desc = could not fulfill runtime memory request
2023-02-26T04:16:58Z Not Restarting Error was unrecoverable
2023-02-26T04:16:58Z Alloc Unhealthy Unhealthy because of failed task
I tried destroying the app and the builder. Didn’t work. I have absolutely no clue what I should do next. Please help