I have an existing app that I’ve deployed many times. It’s a very simple single executable container image that runs the thttpd server pointed to a directory full of static HTML content. I made a few minor changes to the base container image and re-deployed around 10 or 15 times, and all of those deploys have failed. Deploys always fail with unhealthy allocation.
I’ve built and run this exact same container locally and it runs without a hitch. Deploys always fail with some error about the main process exiting cleanly with exit code 1, but my local container runs fine. Can you guys provide more info?
Recent Events
2021-10-04T16:21:39Z Received Task received by client
2021-10-04T16:21:39Z Task Setup Building Task Directory
2021-10-04T16:22:35Z Driver Failure failed to start task after driver exited unexpectedly: plugin is shut down
2021-10-04T16:22:35Z Not Restarting Error was unrecoverable
2021-10-04T16:22:35Z Alloc Unhealthy Unhealthy because of failed task
2021-10-04T16:22:36Z Killing Sent interrupt. Waiting 5s before force killing
That looks like it’s on our end. We’ve had intermittent failures for the past few hours due to DNS issues which might be related. Can you share your app name or the id of a VM that failed to start?