Node trying to connect to IP that's not in use

We have a two node Phoenix app in fra region where one node can’t connect to the other (which is in a backup region):
[warn] [libcluster:fly6pn] unable to connect to :"appname@fdaa:0:38b2:a7b:aa0:cecb:284f:2"

Looking at the nodes IP addresses tells me the IP above is not in use:

5b7d25fc fra    fdaa:0:38b2:a7b:23c3:5b7d:25fc:2 
889a8d05 cdg(B) fdaa:0:38b2:a7b:5b66:889a:8d05:2

By removing fra from regions list solved the problem, but when adding it again the same libcluster warning occurs. Could it be that something is corrupt in fra region? We have other apps though in fra with the same libcluster config which are working alright.

Hello! This is normal after a deploy. IP addresses change on each deploy and libcluster will keep trying old IPs for a while. If the app is working properly you can probably ignore these errors after a deploy.

Ah, I see. And the errors are gone now :slight_smile:

Thank you for clarifying!

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