Hello everyone,
I am currently trying to implement FLAME in my application.
When i deploy my application on fly and execute the process, the runner node cannot connect to my parent node for some reason.
I get following error:
2024-03-08T08:47:52Z runner[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]Pulling container image registry.fly.io/nexus-staging-86d65fe3:deployment-01HREKS084A53NRA1SS94CD7N3
2024-03-08T08:47:57Z runner[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]Successfully prepared image registry.fly.io/nexus-staging-86d65fe3:deployment-01HREKS084A53NRA1SS94CD7N3 (4.394211345s)
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z runner[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]Configuring firecracker
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info][ 0.146717] Spectre V2 : WARNING: Unprivileged eBPF is enabled with eIBRS on, data leaks possible via Spectre v2 BHB attacks!
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info][ 0.156593] PCI: Fatal: No config space access function found
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info] INFO Starting init (commit: 913ad9c)...
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info] INFO Preparing to run: `/app/bin/server` as nobody
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info] INFO [fly api proxy] listening at /.fly/api
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]2024/03/08 08:47:59 listening on [fdaa:2:be18:a7b:b5:c76f:b221:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2024-03-08T08:47:59Z runner[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]Machine created and started in 6.867s
2024-03-08T08:48:04Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]08:48:04.398 [info] starting with parent %FLAME.Parent{pid: #PID<72860.4510.0>, ref: #Reference<72860.717919452.1950613505.19621>, backend: FLAME.FlyBackend}
2024-03-08T08:48:04Z app[683ddd1bd44998] fra [info]08:48:04.403 [info] connect (1) :"nexus-staging-86d65fe3-01HREKS084A53NRA1SS94CD7N3@fdaa:2:be18:a7b:250:6dec:7af5:2": false
2024-03-08T08:48:04Z app[d89d971b62d008] fra [info]08:48:04.402 [error] ** Connection attempt from node :"nexus-staging-86d65fe3-01HREKS084A53NRA1SS94CD7N3@fdaa:2:be18:a7b:b5:c76f:b221:2" rejected. Invalid challenge reply. **
I have managed to make it work after i remove RELEASE_COOKIE
from my fly.toml
Somehow the DNS clustering conflicts with FLAME and I am not sure why.
DNS Clustering has been disabled in my application.ex as well.
def start(_type, _args) do
flame_parent = FLAME.Parent.get()
children = [
!flame_parent && {DNSCluster, query: Application.get_env(:nexus, :dns_cluster_query) || :ignore}