No logs from my apps?

Is it just me that’s experiencing missing logs? They stops receiving before 6am aest.

I’m not sure if this is an issue because apps seems running. I manually check some endpoints.

Thanks team

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I’m missing logs too, the last log was about 4 hours ago.

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Hey @nicepak and @khuezy, if you manually tail your logs from flyctl with fly logs -a <appname>, do they show there?

I’m seeing logs for your apps in our backend, so it may just be an issue with them getting forwarded to the fly-metrics dashboard. We’re taking a look.


I do see the logs in the Live Logs dashboard. fly logs also shows up.

Yep confirming that logs are feeding through with fly logs -a. Thanks for checkin @Sam-Fly

Ok it looks like it’s just an issue with the log search on We’re working on it and have a statuspage for further updates here: Status - Missing Logs on

Added grafana, logs, metrics

Hey @khuezy @nicepak you should see new logs flowing to your Fly-metrics dashboards again shortly.

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I :eyes: them, thanks!

@Sam-Fly Yep its showing now. Cheers!

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