Building off a few previous threads, I wanted to kick start the discussion of building a Docker image of an nginx reverse proxy setup that also automatically bundles imaginary.
Ref Threads:
The Goal
The goal of this project is to build a Dockerfile intended to be deployed via Fly that covers the following requirements:
Single Docker image
nGinx Reverse Proxy for common HTTP requests (most HTML, JS+CSS, etc)
Images served through the proxy are passed through Imaginary, pulled from the same backend as the Proxy
Posting this here to put this together in public and solicit input & feedback from this community. I am most creative when I can bounce ideas off of others
We run an app that bundles redis and a custom redis proxy into a single image. Here’s a (simplified) gist that shows how we got supervisord to manage the two processes.
It’s likely you’ll need to build an image from scratch with nginx + imaginary since the official images have scripts that conflict with each other and/or don’t play nicely with supervisord. supervisord will make sure both services are running, but you might also want health checks with fly to ensure both services are alive and accepting traffic.
Based on what I’ve seen elsewhere, I would probably run nginx and improxy/imaginary as separate applications. The image transforms are very CPU intensive and it’s likely better to scale them up/down separately than nginx.
Nginx is relatively lightweight, and it’s helpful to keep a fixed number of them running if you want to do disk based caching.
OpenResty gives you easy Lua scripting, and almost no one wants to expose image transform URLs directly. Being able to write a little bit of Lua to add custom logic is helpful.