My server side app is not responding.. How do I check my usage?

The app is not responding from the Postman. It seems like my hobby plan usage has exceeded the limit. I’m not 100% sure whether this is true or not. Is it possible to check the usage from the dashboard? I can’t find it…

Hi @jeffminsungkim

I’ve checked and it doesn’t seem to be that.

My suggestion would be to check logs with fly logs -a appnamehere and see if there’s anything interesting.

Another possibility is that your app only has an IPv6 and your postman isn’t able to reach it, try running fly ips list -a appnamehere to see the list of your IP addresses.

Thanks for the response @lubien

Actually I’m using a custom domain atm. and the log tells me like below.

2023-01-02T12:54:32Z app[3bbc4930] nrt [info][Nest] 520  - 01/02/2023, 12:54:32 PM     LOG [NestApplication] Nest application successfully started +21ms
2023-01-02T12:54:32Z app[3bbc4930] nrt [info][Nest] 520  - 01/02/2023, 12:54:32 PM     LOG 🚀 Application is running on: http://localhost:8080
2023-01-02T12:54:59Z runner[7c60845e] nrt [info]Shutting down virtual machine
2023-01-02T12:55:00Z app[7c60845e] nrt [info]Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 520
2023-01-02T12:55:00Z app[7c60845e] nrt [info]Starting clean up.

Nothing special. When I make a request, it took over a miunute all of a sudden and threw 502 BAD GATEWAY error.
I think the machine has stopped and wanted to find out my usage has reached the limit or not.

You can run fly status you can see if there’s any allocation running. It does seem it exited.

I can see your app was listening on port 8080, does your fly.toml uses internal_port 8080 too?

Hey @lubien
here’s the fly status result.


Deployment Status
  ID          = bab1ff0b-4a88-de9a-e9ec-e64b368d04e2         
  Version     = v30                                          
  Status      = successful                                   
  Description = Deployment completed successfully            
  Instances   = 1 desired, 1 placed, 1 healthy, 0 unhealthy  

3bbc4930	app    	30     	nrt   	run    	running	1 total, 1 passing	0       	37m35s ago

Yes, I’m using 8080 internal_port. The app was completely fine 30 mins ago. I don’t know why the app suddenly decided not to respond it back.

Does it work outside postman?

No it doesn’t…

@jeffminsungkim Your app probably only has an IPv6 which might be the reason you can’t connect to your own app.

I suggest you allocate an IPv4 with fly ips allocate-v4

@lubien I had ipv4.
But I did and reassigned the new address(v4)
still not working though.

VERSION	IP                 	TYPE  	REGION	CREATED AT           
v4       	public	global	2m41s ago           	
v6     	2a09:8280:1::3:c062	public	global	2023-01-01T11:57:36Z

I’ve deleted the app. Now it’s working. This is so weird.

Sorry about a not so great first experience.

Your app might have gotten on a weird state, do let us know if this happens again.

Hey @jeffminsungkim ,

For some reason, when the app lost the previously allocated IP it could not be synchronized again.
The reason for the loss should be detected :thinking: