Long Running Anycast IPv4 Support, BYO Certs?

Is there an option to push in our own cert for DNS-over-HTTPS (DOH)

This discussion has pointers: Use Cloudflare Certs to FlyIO - #8 by ignoramous

What about bringing in an 2x ‘vanity’ IPs for our DNS resolvers?

Re: BYoIP: Cloudflare and Vultr let one anycast any IP. Fly.io should too, but I don’t think they currently do. Though read: BYO compute resources and external ip addresses - #2 by kurt

We’ll need to ensure that our application has long-lived IPv4 addresses associated with it.

This should be the case as long as Fly.io’s operational (but would it be… I don’t know, perhaps see Fly.io Terms of Service Section 1d, and then trigger 1e, because Section 8a and 8c make for an ominous read ;).