litefs cloud backup stream failed

I was able to succesfully deploy and initialize a litefs db using litefs import from an existing db file. However, after configuring a litefs cloud cluster as backup I’m seeing these 502 client errors. For reference this db is ~12GB in size.

2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“connected to cluster, ready”
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“node is a candidate, automatically promoting to primary”
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“node is already primary, skipping promotion”
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“proxy server listening on: http://localhost:8081
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“starting background subprocess: tail [-f /dev/null]”
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“begin primary backup stream: url=
2024-04-10T18:17:44Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]waiting for signal or subprocess to exit
2024-04-10T18:17:45Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“begin streaming backup” full-sync-interval=10s
2024-04-10T18:17:46Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“writing snapshot "points-db" @ 0000000000000001”
2024-04-10T18:17:47Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“exiting streaming backup”
2024-04-10T18:17:47Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg="backup stream failed, retrying: backup stream error ("points-db"): write backup tx snapshot: backup client error (502): "
2024-04-10T18:17:47Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“begin streaming backup” full-sync-interval=10s
2024-04-10T18:17:48Z app[d8d9564bee4158] sin [info]level=INFO msg=“writing snapshot "points-db" @ 0000000000000001”

The cluster status shows that it is on TXID 0000000000000000

$ fly litefs-cloud status -c points-printer
points-db 0000000000000000 0000000000000000

I did some testing as well and tried doing the same by adding other smaller DBs and these are backed up fine. Any help would be appreciated.

I see a "points_printer" org on LiteFS Cloud (with an underscore instead of a hyphen). Is that a different cluster?

Added litefs

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