Yeah, it’s unfortunate that a full reply can’t be added there now…
If you edit your initial post at the top of the present thread, e.g., to make “see LiteFS Cloud deprecated” be a link, then Discourse will also introduce a reciprocal link right below the first entry in that older conversation. (It will show up after a little icon.)
It’s a small thing, but people do follow these… (The existing one for the relatively minor “Mention that LiteFS Cloud is being sunsetted” request thread has been clicked ≥ three times.)
Thanks for working on this. May I ask if this works for both Consul leasing and static leasing? The answer might be implicit, considering this is a drop-in replacement for Litefs Cloud, but I just wanted to confirm
Yes! Both leasing modes should work. My original intention was a solution that worked with non-static leasing, since that’s what I use for Tender (aforementioned side project).
@lukaspolak sorry for the late response. I turned off issues for now because I don’t have much time to field bigger requests/contributions/support at the moment, but I wanted to at least make the source available.
A better way is probably to write up some guidelines for what issues I could help with or not and open the issues tab back up. For now, feel free to reply here or email me (my email is in my github profile) if you want to chat about the project.