Launch UI: Better monorepo support and custom config file names

:ship: Checkout our Launch UI right now at

We just shipped two small improvements that will make the lives of monorepo users and old customers better!

(Optional) Current Working Directory: Use this for monorepos when your source code is inside an inner folder.

If your app source is under an inner folder feel free to put the folder here otherwise ignore this.

(Optional) Config path: Do you already have a fly.toml somewhere?

Existing and launched repos might have fly.toml with custom names or even extensions, feel free to use this if you want to connect your existing app to the new deployment platform!

Can I change it later?

Of course! At the deployments tab you can always tweak those settings, don’t worry.

Happy launching!

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It doesn’t seems to work :thinking: I see the same UI after the integration with GitHub

Hey there!

Can you describe which steps you took? Perhaps if it’s a public repo can you share it?

After the integration there is no difference in the Launch page.

That is the state when there’s no linked GitHub identity but I can check that the user you used to reply here indeed has an identity. Can you verify if you’re not logged in a different account?

Going to should both your email and your GitHub identity

I’m not logged in with a different account. To sign in, I always use GitHub.

I double checked, I’ve forgot to tell you that one other reason the UI would be in this state is that you didn’t setup any GitHub organizations to allow our GitHub app.

I can confirm that from our admin your user has 0 visible integrations to us with our app.

If you did have integrations, recently we asked more permissions can you double check? (full explanation: Updated permissions for our GitHub app for our PaaS)


If you already configured a GitHub org it would look like this:

If it’s a permissions issue, after clicking on “Configure” you will see a warning like this in the middle of the page

Upon making the window fullscreen it should be clearer

I have done it several times, and the result is always the same. I haven’t seen that warning at any time. :thinking:

We did a lot of digging and we confirmed that something is wrong with the token we got from github after we created your user via OAuth.

GitHub tells us Bad Credentials when we try to call its API with your token at the moment and not really that it was an expired token. We even checked on our end if there were other customers around that time who got into the same state but couldn’t find anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience! We have to make our UI handle this scenario in case it ever happens again, which I have to thank you for providing this feedback.

In the meantime a fix would be:

  1. Go to your user settings and temporarily set a password (remember this one just for now)
  2. Unlink your GitHub identity
  3. On the very same page relink your GitHub
  4. You can ditch your password now, feel free to put a gibberish long string and ignore it.

Also as a thanks for bringing this to our attention and apology for this very specific inconvenience tied to your account we’d like to offer $5 in credits if that’s okay. Let me know if I should apply to your personal org or another org you’d want.

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After following those steps, I get stuck here. I’m using the mobile therefore I can’t check if there is any JS error.

I could use it on the desktop until this step when it got stuck. The project is in pending status.

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Thanks for your feedback once more! I was able to reproduce and sent a fix in production.

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It worked this time :tada:

I don’t get this:

As feedback, the last view had too much information and was too static.

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