Issues with fly deploy

Hi, fly deploy seems to be hanging for me out of no where, I successfuly deployed on the 11th and site was live. I went to go to it today and I was stuck permanently loading which prompted me to try re-deploying locally upon which I get the following issues:

region: sydney,

WARN Remote builder did not start in time. Check remote builder logs with `flyctl logs -a fly-builder-floral-glade-5750

Reuslt of checking: flyctl logs -a fly-builder-floral-glade-5750

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: remote builder app unavailable

And if i pull the logs I just see:
runner[4d89d9d7f02278] syd [info]Configuring firecracker

When I look at my fly machine logs from the website: I can see the following:

2024-04-10T11:02:34.852 runner[3d8d9652b07618] syd [info] Successfully prepared image (8.242477673s)

2024-04-10T11:02:36.347 runner[3d8d9652b07618] syd [info] Configuring firecracker

2024-04-12T05:28:36.091 proxy[3d8d9652b07618] syd [info] Starting machine

2024-04-12T05:28:36.111 proxy[3d8d9652b07618] syd [error] machines API returned an error: "failed to compare \"/opt/firecracker-v0.24.x/bin/firecracker\" and \"/opt/flyd/firefly/01HV3TRR0Y5D509QF4Q2X4VB2M/root/firecracker\": stat /opt/firecracker-v0.24.x/bin/firecracker: no such file or directory"

2024-04-12T05:28:38.431 proxy[3d8d9652b07618] syd [info] Starting machine

2024-04-12T05:28:40.433 proxy[3d8d9652b07618] syd [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

Anyone know whats going on?


We are having same errors on our system

Yeah it seems something is wrong given theres a bunch of similar threads being posted today

Hey! We had an incident caused by a bad configuration to be pushed to our workers. We deployed a fix, and it looks like machine creation and updates are working again. Can you please check if its working again?

Looks like its still a problem

Same error here:

For me, I’ve triggered another fly deploy locally and its progressed nicely but its now stuck on the following:

deployment-01HV8G1PYFN4VJJKM87GKWRD72: digest: sha256:aa9a7719fe1045bed26f6f4744ff3330964e4d999282ed59a9ac6a8d73b5c28a size: 1781
--> Pushing image done
image size: 384 MB

Watch your deployment at

Updating existing machines in 'whats-changed' with rolling strategy

 ✖ [1/2] Machine 148e5375ad6108 [app] update failed: timeout reached waiting for machine's state to change
   [2/2] Waiting for job
Checking DNS configuration for
Error: timeout reached waiting for machine's state to change
Your machine was created, but never started. This could mean that your app is taking a long time to start,
but it could be indicative of a region issue.

You can try deploying to a different region,
or you can try increasing the timeout with the --wait-timeout flag

When I view the logs in dashboard for that particular machine I see the following:

2024-04-12T06:30:19.222 proxy[148e5375ad6108] syd [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

2024-04-12T06:30:23.395 proxy[148e5375ad6108] syd [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

2024-04-12T06:30:28.478 proxy[148e5375ad6108] syd [error] timed out while connecting to your instance. this indicates a problem with your app (hint: look at your logs and metrics)

2024-04-12T06:34:56.413 runner[148e5375ad6108] syd [info] Pulling container image

2024-04-12T06:35:05.972 runner[148e5375ad6108] syd [info] Successfully prepared image (9.559451517s)

2024-04-12T06:35:07.430 runner[148e5375ad6108] syd [info] Configuring firecracker

I just want to report back that I’ve resolved my issue by the following:

  1. fly machines list
  2. killing my 2 machines via fly machine kill --force machineId
  3. re-running a new fly deploy which provisioned 2 new machines for me

All works sweet, thanks to the fly team for handling so quickly!!

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