Is it possible to run the command in a specific region, or for all regions at the same time?

Is it possible to run the command in a specific region (eg lhr/ord/syd), or for all regions at the same time?

$ fly ssh console --help
Connect to a running instance of the current app; with -select, choose instance from list.

  flyctl ssh console [<host>] [flags]

  -a, --app string       App name to operate on
  -C, --command string   command to run on SSH session
  -c, --config string    Path to an app config file or directory containing one (default "./fly.toml")
  -h, --help             help for console
  -p, --probe            test WireGuard connection after establishing
  -r, --region string    Region to create WireGuard connection in
  -s, --select           select available instances

Global Flags:
  -t, --access-token string   Fly API Access Token
  -j, --json                  json output
      --verbose               verbose output

You can use the --region flag to specify a region to ssh console

thanks, I tried this flag. It doesn’t work

Ah interesting, it’s still using top1.nearest.of which will be your closest node geographically

fly ssh console --region only sets the gateway region which is confusing, and we probably should remove it. What you want is to either do fly ssh console -s which will let you select all available regions interactively, or you can specify an internal hostname directly, such as fly ssh console ord.myapp.internal


Thanks a lot!