Is heroku deployment working?

As for migrating the DB, if you were running Heroku Postgres, data can be migrated with

There’s a complete guide for migrating from Heroku Postgres to here: Migrating from Heroku Postgres to Fly Postgres: A Complete Guide.

If you follow that guide: make sure to check the documentation on GitHub for the postgres-migrator part – env var names and other details have changed slightly. You might also have to adjust the actual migrate command of postgres-migrator to fit your needs.

All that’s left after that is to:

  • fly config save to get your fly.toml if you haven’t already
  • Tweak the fly.toml settings
  • Add either:
    • The [buildpacks] section to fly.toml if you used Heroku Buildpacks
    • A Dockerfile if you want to switch over to Docker
      Optionally tweaking the ENTRYPOINT or CMD, currently through
    • Do nothing at all if you’ve already got a Dockerfile at the root of your project