Hi, I initially created a test app with wildcard cert for my domain. Lateron I created a staging deployment for my actual app but this time under a different org and with a subdomain cert. I see that I am billed $1 for each cert. Based on this Wildcard certificates now valid for their non-wildcard form, I assumed that it was just a 1-time charge. Can someone please point me to what m missing here?
@khuezy thanks but I have seen this already.
I have created only one wildcard which was for the app under personal org (which I later moved to the custom org). The second one is a single hostname cert, for a subdomain of the existing wildcard host, and this was created under the custom org but now I see the billing for each org shows a $1 charge for wildcard cert.
It’s $1/month. Why did you create another cert if you’re using wildcard domains?
Its hardly been a week since m on this platform. I initially thought the cert is at the org level so went for the wildcard, was a mistake. Which is still ok if m not double charged for it. Here it appears since the cert moved from one org to another (along with the app) the charges are applied twice (once under each org).
Email billing and they should waive the cost for you.
did you actually create the second (subdomain) cert or not? that’s likely the culprit
from what you wrote it seems you did in fact create it, which means a new cert was issued
I did a “flyctl certs add” for the second one.
The steps I took in order of execution:
- Launched my-1st-app under personal-org and created “*.example.com” for it. (Was under the wrong impression that its getting attached to the org and can be moved around)
- Moved my-app from personal org to custom-org, it moved the cert also, everything is fine.
- Created second app my-2nd-app under custom-org
- Added a cert staging.example.com to my-2nd-app
- Everything is working fine but the billing in both the orgs shows $1 charge for the wildcard cert.
Have written to billing, waiting for a response.
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