IPv4 IPv6 region choice (egress)

I have been using fly for a while but I am facing a region problem…
My app “uses” another website on which I have the rights, however for security reasons, this site only accepts sites with an IP in France (for fly, cdg)
However, it is possible to choose the region of the IPv4 via a dedicated IP, but the url returns an IPv6 which is located either in chicago or amsterdam. So I tried to have a dedicated IPv6, which seems possible but does not work (UNKNOWN HOST) and this IP is based in Amsterdam anyway

v4 172.86.***.*** public (dedicated, $2/mo) cdg
v6 2a09:8280:**::**:***:0 public (dedicated) cdg

Any idea to idk, even switch all my server to IPv4 or having regional IPv6 working ?
Thanks ! Have a good day !

Can yo use fly-replay and replay to the request to cdg region?

the problem is that my request will always go through the non-cdg server… even if I redirect after, the first request will be blocked because the ip of the server that receives the request is not located in the cdg region.
I’m still going to try to see if I can do something with it, but honestly, I don’t believe it

Unless I’m misunderstanding it, the replay should work. The request gets rerouted to your cdg machine, which talks to your other site from an IP in France.

how does the remote service check if an IP is in France? all our IPs have WHOIS records with our US address, but the cdg ones only connect to (are only advertised with BGP from) servers in Paris. I’m not sure we can change anything about this unfortunately.

Thank you for the clarifications, that’s exactly what I thought.
I guess it’s via a WHOIS query, I’m not sure but it seems coherent
Unless I go through a VPN, but I would lose responsiveness, I don’t know how to manage that…
Thank you! I’ll see what I can do, if you have any ideas I’m all for it.

Thank you for fly btw :+1:

there is no way to use only ipv4 on a machine though?
(because dedicated ipv4 is fine)

and i tried with fly-replay, just in case, but the dns is still located outside France

you can configure your app to use only ipv4 for outbound connections, there isn’t a Fly.io feature for it though.