$ fly deploy
INFO Local docker unavailable, hooking you up with a remote Docker builder…
INFO Waiting for remote builder to become available…
5 minutes pass
WARN Canceled
Error error during connect: Get “http://docker/_ping”: command [ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -l -p 10000 – fly-builder-patient-feather-6343.fly.dev docker system dial-stdio] has exited with exit status 255, please make sure the URL is valid, and Docker 18.09 or later is installed on the remote host: stderr=ControlPath too long (’/home/gavin/.ssh/master-thompson-@fly-builder-patient-feather-6343.fly.dev:10000’ >= 108 bytes)
When I removed the ControlPath option from my ssh config and ran deploy again, it worked. If there’s a problem with my ssh config I should at least get an error, not a hang. Also, what are you doing with ssh in the first place?
We expose SSH from remote builders, Docker proxies to the remote daemon through it. The Docker internals use system SSH for this, which is a bit silly. @michael was looking at workarounds for this.
Also, it’s possible the remote builder took too long to start listening. Will you give it a try with the ControlPath option and see if it happens again?
Oh gosh I typed up a reply last night then Wandavision came on and I forgot to hit send
We’re exposing the docker daemon port via an ssh proxy for auth inspired by the docs. The code is on github if you’re curious. The docker client uses your system ssh and it’s config which can cause problems like you saw. We’ll have a fix in a few days. Sorry about that!
INFO Local docker unavailable, hooking you up with a remote Docker builder…
INFO Waiting for remote builder (fly-builder-autumn-glade-1777) to become available…
Error Could not ping remote builder within 5 minutes, aborting.
Looks like all your builder VMs were receiving connections and processing builds, so I think this is either an actual timeout where the VM couldn’t start within 5 minutes or an error that’s being handled wrong. We’ll have an update soon that gives granular status while builder VMs launch and I’ll do some more testing on failures to make sure there’s not a bug in there.
Hello. First steps using Fly.io (Fly.io was introduced to me by a tutorial for “remix-run”). I have followed the steps but the deployment has hanged and cancelled.
Error error connecting to docker: unable to connect WireGuard tunnel: context deadline exceeded
I suppose I’ve got the latest version (downloaded and installed today).
Were you able to get this to work? If our remote docker builder isn’t working reliably for you, you can work around it by installing and running Docker locally.