I cannot deploy

I also have an app that is recently no longer able to deploy, and failing when building image with buildpacks:

Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to fetch builder image 'index.docker.io/heroku/buildpacks:20': Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": dial tcp i/o timeout

I saw someone mention using remote builders requires a good connection, and I’m on a wired connection in the Netherlands.

This particular issue appears to be a transient network problem. There was a few issues this morning (eastern time).

Can you try again?

This would cause a different kind of issue.

I’ve tried again, still doesn’t work.

Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to fetch builder image 'index.docker.io/heroku/buildpacks:20': Error response from daemon: Get "https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

Maybe it’s less transient. That error is saying our remote builder can’t pull from Docker Hub.

You can try removing the fly-builder-* app from the logs. That’ll let it create a new one on a new IP address, which might help.

I wish I had a better answer for this, but until we figure out why Docker Hub is failing from some VMs and regions, we can’t fix it quick enough for you.

You can also workaround this problem by building the docker image locally. fly deploy --local-only is worth a try.

Thanks, that did it. There have been a couple times I’ve had issues where the solution has been to delete the builder, and it’s not always clear that that’s what’s needed.

It has deployed after trying this one

I ran into this issue very recently, where the build would fail every time. I tried the above solutions, but found out this morning that I could only build when pausing my VPN. This didn’t use to be an issue, and built a couple hundred releases with my VPN on, but just recently found this to be an issue.

I’m guessing my VPN isn’t allowing a specific response request routes required for the build. Anyways, I thought I’d mention unless someone else is running into this same issue.


Who would have thought? Anyways, this seemed to do the trick. Thanks!

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This was really starting to bother me, as I’m not too keen on leaving my VPN off to deploy as well as use the flyctl ssh console (causes similar issue). So after doing some digging into the protocol used, I found that my VPN was using Wireguard’s protocol, which was causing a conflict with Fly’s Wireguard VPNs. Once changing the protocol to the OpenVPN protocol, I was able to deploy and use SSH without issue.

Just ran into this too, it was also VPN for me.

Chiming in here that I saw this same thing and it was also a VPN issue for me!

I’ve tried every recommendation above but still not working for me. Here’s the last commands and output (error part only)

fly agent stop
fly auth login

Destroyed all instances on panel manually

fly launch --local-only #Successful without deploy now part
fly deploy --local-only # Failed

=> ERROR [builder 4/17] RUN mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force 0.7s

[builder 4/17] RUN mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force:
#13 0.669 qemu: uncaught target signal 11 (Segmentation fault) - core dumped
#13 0.677 Segmentation fault

Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: executor failed running [/bin/sh -c mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force]: exit code: 139

PS: This is a life / death matter because this app will help people in Turkey who suffered from the earthquake happened on 6th Feb.

I preferred fly.io for scaling and less headache but …

I’m stuck in the launch/deploy process, using the latest version of CLI.

Now things go well as I expected. I needed to reboot my notebook and try again. I noticed I updated my CLI version yesterday, and after that, things don’t deploy.

My device is Apple Silicon, so building locally is a problem at the moment, but remote-only also a problem. How can I increase that timeout value in the config. There’re plenty of configuration. tcp checks?

grace_period = “1s”
interval = “15s”
restart_limit = 0
timeout = “2s”

I am using with warp (from cloudflare) and failed everytime when i flyctl deploy

I gotta turn it off.

for future reader in case you are using this and trying to deploy. :slight_smile:

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Indeed, I had the same problem and it turned I had to deactivate my VPN!