Last 2 days when trying to deploy something I get this error:
Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error fetching docker server info: Get <url>: context deadline exceeded
I have encountered this in the past already and last time it was due to a missing docker image on the hub. This time it’s not that and I’m lost again. I recently made huge changes to my app so I thought that I have broken something(which is what the usual explanation is), but I have also tried just running:
mix fly_test
cd fly_test && mix ecto.create
fly launch
and it fails. I am currently using Elixir 1.14
and erlang 25.0.3
Ok so just when I posted that I somehow have figured it out. Just in case someone encounters this:
- Check if the image exists
- If it does, check that you are not using a VPN
I was using a VPN. As soon as I turned it off everything worked fine.
Now, as a matter of fact I have no idea why that is. Does someone have any idea?