I don’t understand how it is possible to implement copying to the clipboard on the server. I run the FLET application, everything works locally, but when I test it on the server, it doesn’t work.
I tested both pyperclip and page.set_clipboard - no result.
@handle_exceptions(alert_success_msg=f"Link copied to clipboard")
def copy_to_clipboard(self, e, text: str):
I understand that the machines are launched in isolation and because of this they do not have access… But somehow it is possible to implement this.
Server log:
Unexpected error occurred: Pyperclip could not find a copy/paste mechanism for your system. For more information, please visit https://pyperclip.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html#not-implemented-error
On Linux, you can run `sudo apt-get install xclip` or `sudo apt-get install xselect` to install a copy/paste mechanism.
Help, if anyone has encountered such a problem or knows a solution, I will be very grateful.
I’m not certain what you’re doing with the server side here, but clipboards (and xclip/xsel) are utilities to work with X11’s clipboard, for graphical desktop user environments. These would be leveraged by a user running your app locally on a Linux desktop. A server environment usually doesn’t have a display server or graphical output, unless it’s one that you’re using as a remote desktop. Web apps use javascript for this – I don’t know how Flutter does it, much less how Flet does it. Reading very briefly on their docs, I’m wondering if pyperclip.copy() is actually redundant. Does set_clipboard() not do the same thing?
From what I’ve seen so far, set_clipboard() should work, if not bugged. Since this is a cross-platform framework for native and web apps, I expect this to execute the right javascript on the web site anyway. Might be worth opening an issue on the flet github project, or contributing to an existing one.