Hello! I’m new to fly. I want to deploy my spring-boot app with postgres. I wrote a dockerfile of spring app
FROM openjdk:17
COPY target/app-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar app.jar
ENTRYPOINT ["java","-jar", "/app.jar"]
I started a postgres service in fly.io succesfully, copied connection address and password and set it to secrets in flyctl flyctl secrets set DATABASE_URL=..
I pushed my docker image to docker hub and wrote in [build] section of fly.toml
builder = "paketobuildpacks/builder:base"
image= "myimage..."
But it was saying
Failed to provision a Sentry project for this app. Use `fly ext sentry create` to try again. ERROR: input:3: createAddOn We need your payment information to continue! Add a credit card or buy credit:"
I deleted these lines and again launched flyctl deploy
and it seems that it worked out, it used local image instead I guess. But looking into app logs it says the url that was provided to me when I started postgres can't be accepted by JDBC
, the error says and the app stopped because of the retries. I updated the secret in the secrets page, trying another jdbc url, and trying to restart the app, but it says could not reserve resource for machine: insufficient memory available to fulfill request
. I’m trying to set memory limit to 256 by saying flyctl scale memory 256
but it’s also gives the same error. Is it because postgres already taking up these 256 mbs? I thought it’s 256 to one app? What could be wrong?
UPD: So I figured out postgres is not taking up memory, but it’s still not running, I’m restarting it simply with flyctl deploy
. Even making it ENTRYPOINT ["java","-XX:MaxRAM=70M", "-jar", "/app.jar"]
doesn’t help. But locally 70m is enough to run my app. What could be the problem? How do I check how much ram is actually used?