High steal cpu usage 2

Hello, like mentioned on a previous topic (high-cpu-usage-all-of-a-sudden), all of a sudden (yesterday 5pm utc+2) the steal cpu usage of my postgres instance went from 1% to 23%+ and some response times take up to 20 seconds. I went from shared-cpu-1x to 2x, but still hitting the resource limit. Restarting doesn’t solve the issue.

Health check for your postgres vm has failed. Your instance has hit resource limits. Upgrading your instance / volume size or reducing your usage might help. [✗] cpu: system spent 1.27s of the last 10 seconds waiting on cpu (28.92µs)

Region : cdg
Postgress Machine : 9080292a666078

What should I do to solve this issue?

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Thanks for reporting this.

We spotted some suspicious activity on the host where your machine lives, we’ve cleared that out so your database should now respond more quickly and the CPU graphs and health check should also clear up.

  • Daniel
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<3 you guys rock!

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