hard to find flyctl install documents (for me at least)

When I login and go to documentation, the first thing I’m greeted with is “Step 1: install flyctl” which is great except it only suggests “brew install” and there is no link to other ways to install (I’m on linux. brew is great on my mac but I don’t want to use it on linux).

If I search around a bit, such as expanding the References section then flyctrl is first and a few more clicks and I can finally get to Install flyctl · Fly Docs which has various install options.

Would it make sense to have a link to that page on the very first Step of installing flyctl? Or maybe I just didn’t see the right link.

Just thought it might be nice to help people get started faster (those who don’t use homebrew)

Thank you for pointing this out!

We’ve added a link to the full flyctl installation instructions with all the options.

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