Hey again, I’m trying to convert this fly.toml config to use with the graphql API:
kill_signal = "SIGINT"
kill_timeout = 5
internal_port = 80
protocol = "tcp"
hard_limit = 500
soft_limit = 400
port = "80"
internal_port = 443
protocol = "tcp"
hard_limit = 500
soft_limit = 400
port = "443"
command = "/usr/bin/pullscript.sh"
grace_period = "30s"
interval = "60s"
restart_limit = 1
timeout = "15s"
but I’m not sure how to format the services correctly in the config services section (see below):
mutation launchApp {
launchApp(input: {
organizationId: "myorgid",
name: "#{fly_app.name}",
config: {
services: [
internal_port: 443,
protocol: "tcp"
ports: [{
port: 443,
concurrency: [{
hard_limit: #{fly_app.hard_limit},
soft_limit: #{fly_app.soft_limit}
internal_port: 80,
protocol: "tcp"
ports: [{
port: 80,
env: {
FOO: "bar"
image: "registry/image",
regions: [EWR, YYZ],
secrets: [
key: "foo",
value: "bar",
key: "hello",
value: "world",
}) {
app { id, name }
release { id, version, inProgress }
Mainly the script check service. Any help is much appreciated!