Hey, I’m doing something wrong here.
I’m getting: errors: [services.0.checks.0.port: can’t be blank]
If I change tcp_checks to checks, the error disappears but I get no public IP.
I’ve already debugged via flyctl and compared the two. You’re sending the exact same data but mine is failing. Any pointers?
"query": "mutation($input: DeployImageInput!) { deployImage(input: $input) { release { id version reason description deploymentStrategy user { id email name } createdAt } } }",
"variables": {
"input": {
"appId": "appID",
"image": "imageTag",
"services": null,
"definition": {
"kill_signal": "SIGINT",
"kill_timeout": 5,
"services": [
"internal_port": 443,
"protocol": "tcp",
"concurrency": {
"soft_limit": 2000,
"hard_limit": 2500
"ports": [
"port": "443",
"handlers": [
"tcp_checks": [
"grace_period": "1s",
"interval": "10s",
"port": 443,
"restart_limit": 5,
"timeout": "2s"
"strategy": null