Gossip Glomers, Challenge #5b: understanding merging in Multi-Node Kafka-Style Log

I have worked my way through the challenge steps and I am sort of stumped by 5b, especially the gossip/merge-offset logic. Here’s what I basically do in my code:


  1. log key and message key are unique and numbers,
  2. messages are sent in sequentially increasing order, so offsets can be represented as indexes in a sorted array
  3. offsets are log(key)-specific

Each Node keeps records in a Hashmap of log-key : Hashet(messages).

  1. Send:

    • receive a send(key, message) and add it to its log’s Hashet in the node’s records
    • respond with send_ok(offset) where offset = key * 10000 + current message value;
  2. Poll:

    • receive a poll request(key, offset), search for the log-key in my node’s records
    • if not present ignore(?)
    • get message index by offset % 10,000 - 1
    • if key present, filter out all offsets below the requested index, return the rest of the (offset, message) pairs.
  3. Gossip:
    thread that send a gossip with own log every 250ms, nodes merge each key’s hashet in the received records with their own

→ Things I am unsure about:are the offsets universal i.e all nodes share an offset counter used for all logs and every message has a unique offset OR are offsets log(key) specific i.e only need to be unique and monotonic for messages in the log?
→ Things I have considered:

  1. using timestamp as offset: can be a problem with inconsistent clocks
  2. using a node specific increasing counter and storing values as (offset, msg) tuples, and merging between nodes by comparing messages with the same offset, shifting the higher value message offset up +1. Issue is, this will give inconsistent poll results after every merge

I get 6 errors in my analysis so can anyone help point out the flaw in my algorithm and/or point me to resources about merging algorithms for g-counters? Any help would be much appreciated.

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