Getting Failed to start remote builder heartbeat

Hi, I’m trying to deploy my nodejs app and I’m getting this error.

✓ Configuration is valid
==> Building image
WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: failed to launch VM: insufficient resources to create new machine with existing volume 'vol_rkywygd16379ql24'
==> Building image
WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: failed to launch VM: insufficient resources to create new machine with existing volume 'vol_vw272no6wpqjw08v'

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: failed to launch VM: insufficient resources to create new machine with existing volume 'vol_vw272no6wpqjw08v' (Request ID: 01JN8TFZ1VFBMVZ92DSEDSDDRD-sin) (T
race ID: 2c88a352fee321e6354d71ee2d1a7c1e)

I’ve already destried the app and try to relaunch it again but I’m still getting this error.

Hi, please update flyctl to version 0.3.87 or newer and try again, this is a bug we found and fixed yesterday.


  • Daniel
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