Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: request ID: 01H1XEKVWF2C20DM9Z44YE9XYD-maa

While deploying my image using fly deploy I am getting the following error.

WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H1XEKVWF2C20DM9Z44YE9XYD-maa
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H1XEKX9CYJKXKJMY8Q88MWK0-maa

Do you have a connection issue? This also can be cause due to connection issue.

Also, try following troubleshoot:

  1. change the host of ‘’ in app.listen.
  2. destroy the fly attempted build.
  3. delete the fly.toml.
  4. delete the Docker container and image.
  5. Change backend port 8080
  6. Remade the docker container and image
  7. run flyctl launch again

Not working. Getting the same error. I tried uploading to a new app too, still it is failing.

okay, try delete the builder and run this command fly destroy fly-builder-dark-silence-168, this will create another remote builder.

If still persist, try to use local docker to build the image instead of the remote builder, run this command fly deploy --local-only, but make sure to have docker running in your machine.

If I may, in which region you choose to deploy your app?

any update? I have the same problem

same error on deploy:

==> Building image

WARN Failed to start remote builder heartbeat: You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H25SVM4KXD8YRD3VSWV5HQV9-waw

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01H25SVNK7S6R5X7BN9R3WBJWN-waw

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Same here. Waw region too.

Sorry for the inconvenience. MAA has been having a capacity issue. We currently cannot schedule new machines there.

Regarding WAW, there was a misconfiguration on our side but it was fixed yesterday. Let me know if you still see issues in WAW.

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