Flyio ams2 region unavailable.

Since about 2 hours ago my container went offline, or rather the proxy can’t reach the container. The container itself is running fine without issues.

Restarting it yields the following errors:

2023-06-26T21:26:16.052 app[bd90c7f7] ams [info] 2023-06-26T21:26:16.052308Z INFO controller: listening on

2023-06-26T21:28:09.251 proxy[d2bbe918] ams [error] could not find a good candidate within 90 attempts at load balancing

2023-06-26T21:28:13.221 proxy[d2bbe918] ams [error] could not find a good candidate within 90 attempts at load balancing

This is an app that had been running without issues for the past seven months, nothing has changed, no deploys were made. Memory consumption is 28megabytes out of the 256 allocated. Looks like a network issue maybe?

Ah, it’s completely broken now:

Same here

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