Flyctl created a bucket that cannot be deleted

Hi there!

I used the flyctl to create a Tigris bucket default, and it created a bucket named default-johw with associated access tokens; the bucket is listed as default on Fly’s dashboard and command line, but default-johw on Tigris’ dashboard.

It cannot be destroyed via the command line fly storage destroy default, which throws an error (Error: input:3: deleteAddOn Access denied); running fly storage destroy default-johw throws an Error: input:3: addOn Could not find AddOn.

I’m wondering if someone could help me remove this resource?

Thank you very much for your help!

Welcome to the forum.

I am sorry for the issue you are facing. What is happening is that when you create a bucket using flyctl with a name that is already taken we append a random string to the name you pass and then create the bucket with that name. This is what you see on the web dashboard. But it looks like there is an issue wherr flyctl is not showing the correct bucket name.

To avoid confusion we will remove this logic of appending a random string to the bucket and will instead just return an error if the bucket cannot be created with the given name.

We will fix the issue with your bucket.


Hi @ovaistariq! Thank you so much for your welcome, prompt response, and help!

And thank you for the Tigris product! It is very intriguing, and I would definitely like to set up an account and use it outside of Fly.IO as well!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Warm regards.

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We would love to have you use Tigris.

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