Fly.toml configuration does not set kill_signal

Hm… I can reproduce this only with fly m restart—not with fly m stop.

(Maybe it’s this only-on-restarts aspect that is the new piece of information, relative to your post in July? I think it’s best if these are structured as a continuous flow of conversation, with everyone’s contributions magnifying the others’, rather than arriving scattershot.)

app = "thirty"
primary_region = "ewr"
kill_signal = "SIGTERM"

  policy = "no"
FROM debian:bookworm-slim

COPY --chmod=755 thirty /usr/local/bin/

CMD ["thirty"]
#!/bin/bash -eup

echo thirty

function l() { echo 30: "$1" 1>&2;  sleep 0.1; }

trap 'l sigint'           SIGINT
trap 'l sigterm;  exit 0' SIGTERM

trap -p

while true; do sleep 0.1; done

And then, with fly m restart, the logs read…

22:59:59Z app[28*] ewr [info] INFO Sending signal SIGINT to main child process w/ PID 321
22:59:59Z app[28*] ewr [info]30: sigint
23:00:04Z app[28*] ewr [info] INFO Sending signal SIGTERM to main child process w/ PID 321
23:00:04Z app[28*] ewr [info]30: sigterm
23:00:05Z app[28*] ewr [info] INFO Main child exited normally with code: 0

Whereas fly m stop goes straight to SIGTERM

23:01:36Z app[28*] ewr [info] INFO Sending signal SIGTERM to main child process w/ PID 323
23:01:36Z app[28*] ewr [info]30: sigterm
23:01:37Z app[28*] ewr [info] INFO Main child exited normally with code: 0

But these cases should really be the same. It’s hard to think of a reason why stop and restart would have different shutdown mechanisms…

Aside: The odd-looking sleep 0.1 in the l function avoids a distracting stderr to vsock zero copy err: Broken pipe, which I don’t think is related. (Others have reported it, as well.)