`fly ssh console` stops working after creating the app with a network

I created an app with --network set but I couldn’t ssh console into it. Could anyone help?

Steps to reproduce:

  1. fly app create --name myapp-123 --network myapp-123
  2. fly ips allocate-v6 -a myapp-123 --private
  3. fly ssh console -a myapp-123 # This hangs

My goal is to create an isolated network for the app while I’m still able to fly ssh console into it. I wonder whether that is possible.


Hi… @jgodoy-fc posted a work-around for this, although it’s a fair amount of effort.

Alternatively, if you just want a non-interactive command, without stdin/stdout streaming or a lot of output, fly m exec can handle that right out of the box.

Hope this helps a little!

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Added flyctl, wishlist

ssh console only supports the default network. For other networks you have to use fly ssh issue and establish the SSH connection via ssh (instead of fly ssh) after connecting to WireGuard VPN:

eval `ssh-agent`
fly ssh issue $FLY_ORG_NAME --agent --hours 1
ssh fdaa:7:17d5:a7b:ae:319e:f4e6:2
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I connected to the wireguard network but I couldn’t ssh into the machine:

$ ssh fdaa:8:2ddd:a7b:7f08:5d42:9262:2
ssh: connect to host fdaa:8:2ddd:a7b:7f08:5d42:9262:2 port 22: No route to host

Did you create the WireGuard peer in network myapp-123? (fly wg create won’t work because it uses the default network).

fly wg create has no options to specify network:

fly wireguard create -h
Add a WireGuard peer connection to an organization

  flyctl wireguard create [org] [region] [name] [file] [flags]

  -h, --help   help for create

Global Flags:
  -t, --access-token string   Fly API Access Token
      --debug                 Print additional logs and traces
      --verbose               Verbose output

That’s right. You have to create the WG peer using the API (see Create app & add WireGuard peer via API and WireGuard peer on custom network). With the output of the API call, you can edit the wg conf.

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