fly ssh console immediately exits


When I

fly ssh console

It seems to work, it see the

But then it immediately exist and I’m back on my local machine.

I also tried

fly ssh console -s
fly ssh console [ipv6]
fly ssh console -a [appame] -s

Can someone help me on this?


same here, must be something going on!
already deployed machines are working fine, new ones are exiting as soon as i connect.

Same here. I can’t connect to any machines, even those that are already running.

I found a workaround

fly ssh console -C "your command"

It will execute the command as soon as it is connected… Then exit.

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there’s an incident open on the status page for this now: Status - SSH failing for newly created machines

“Newly or not” machines (mine is more than one year old and i got the issue)

Good catch, this should’ve said “newly created or recently updated machines”.

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Same issue here, cant connect to machines that were running before

Redeploying fixed the issue

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