Hey, I’m deploying a machine to fly with a rather simple configuration and using tired-proxy to shutdown the machine when it doesn’t get any requests.
This worked fine until recently, now the http_service configuration option is suddenly invalid and I can’t figure out how to make it work again.
I assigned a flycast internal IPv6 to the app and was able to make requests from other apps.
app = "app-name"
primary_region = "xy"
internal_port = 8080 # The port where tired-proxy runs
PORT = "9090" # The port which tired-proxy proxies to
TIME_TO_SHUTDOWN = "600" # The idle time for tired-proxy in seconds
The linting issue:
╰─➤ fly config validate -a app-name -c fly.toml
Validating fly.toml
Error unknown attribute 'http_service' for AppConfig.
raise UnknownAttributeError.new(self, k.to_s)