Hey, I’m trying to get the fly-log-shipper working but I no logs seem to be coming through. I’m using logflare. Here’s my fly.toml
app = "log-shipper"
image = "ghcr.io/superfly/fly-log-shipper:latest"
ORG = "my-org-name"
SUBJECT = "logs.>"
I also set the following secrets:
$ fly secrets list
ACCESS_TOKEN e89b9b37c695f6d480a5e50axxxxxxxx 25m0s ago
LOGFLARE_API_KEY 0723d6cdbb9383d5f1e9b936xxxxxxxx 36m2s ago
LOGFLARE_SOURCE_TOKEN d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998xxxxxxxx 27m33s ago
as per the readme.
My log-shipper app has deployed successfully but no logs seem to be getting shipped to my logflare source.
the logs for the log shipper itself are as follows:
$ fly logs [17:49:29]
2021-12-02T17:25:57.339 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Starting instance
2021-12-02T17:25:57.370 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Configuring virtual machine
2021-12-02T17:25:57.372 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Pulling container image
2021-12-02T17:25:59.472 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Unpacking image
2021-12-02T17:26:02.494 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Preparing kernel init
2021-12-02T17:26:02.944 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Configuring firecracker
2021-12-02T17:26:03.055 runner[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Starting virtual machine
2021-12-02T17:26:03.192 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Starting init (commit: 7943db6)...
2021-12-02T17:26:03.216 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Preparing to run: `bash start-fly-log-transporter.sh` as root
2021-12-02T17:26:03.228 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] 2021/12/02 17:26:03 listening on [fdaa:0:3610:a7b:2809:12b0:d24d:2]:22 (DNS: [fdaa::3]:53)
2021-12-02T17:26:03.434 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.431 INFO vector::app: Log level is enabled. level="vector=info,codec=info,vrl=info,file_source=info,tower_limit=trace,rdkafka=info"
2021-12-02T17:26:03.436 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.436 INFO vector::app: Loading configs. paths=["/etc/vector/vector.toml"]
2021-12-02T17:26:03.514 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.513 INFO vector::topology::running: Running healthchecks.
2021-12-02T17:26:03.515 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.515 INFO vector::topology::builder: Healthcheck: Passed.
2021-12-02T17:26:03.515 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.515 INFO vector::topology::builder: Healthcheck: Passed.
2021-12-02T17:26:03.518 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.517 INFO vector::topology::running: Starting source. key=fly_socket
2021-12-02T17:26:03.518 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.518 INFO vector::topology::running: Starting source. key=fly_log_metrics
2021-12-02T17:26:03.518 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.518 INFO vector::topology::running: Starting transform. key=log_json
2021-12-02T17:26:03.519 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.518 INFO vector::topology::running: Starting sink. key=blackhole
2021-12-02T17:26:03.519 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.518 INFO vector::topology::running: Starting sink. key=fly_log_metrics_prometheus
2021-12-02T17:26:03.523 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.519 INFO source{component_kind="source" component_id=fly_socket component_type=socket component_name=fly_socket}: vector::sources::util::unix_stream: Listening. path="/var/run/vector.sock" type="unix"
2021-12-02T17:26:03.523 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.521 INFO vector: Vector has started. debug="false" version="0.17.2" arch="x86_64" build_id="cc07286 2021-10-19"
2021-12-02T17:26:03.523 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.521 INFO vector::internal_events::api: API server running. address= playground=
2021-12-02T17:26:03.531 app[12b0d24d] lhr [info] Dec 02 17:26:03.531 INFO vector::sinks::blackhole: Total events collected events=0 raw_bytes_collected=0
Have I done everything correctly? How might I debug? Is there a step-by-step guide for setting this up? Any examples?