Fly launch interface is treating hobby regions as launch regions

Hi, I’m on the hobby plan trying to deploy an app to ORD - Chicago, Illinois. I could do this successfully on the command line if I do not tweak any settings, but if I do, I suddenly cannot proceed with selecting Chicago as a region.

This is made more confusing since it worked as expected once before, but I had to delete that app and restart the process due to some database issues.

Let me know if it’s something I can fix on my end. Thank you!

hi @swliu

If your billing is set up for your organization, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to deploy in ord. ord is not a restricted region.

When you say you can’t select ord, is that in the Fly Launch UI dropdown? If you could describe the scenario or error, that will help.

When I select ORD, it allows me to - as in it’s not greyed out the same way Mumbai or other paid regions are. However, when I go to confirm my selections, red text saying “The selected region requires your organization to be on a paid plan” pops up underneath the selection field for regions and I cannot proceed.

In fact, this happens with every region. I just tried it with a few random others, and it’s all like that. I have a credit card on file as well.

Looking into this right now @swliu

A workaround to try in the meantime is launching a a new app with the --region flag, which should let you tweak your settings and continue with the right region already selected:

fly launch <image and other optional flags> --region ord

Thanks for bringing this up @swliu! :purple_heart:

This was not an account but a UI issue. We’ve pushed a fix, so you should be able to choose ord as your region now.

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