terraform provider

You can find a summary of my current “use case” which is still an experiment and personal project to learn about Fly, Docker builds, and another experiment “NomadOS” which turns the HashiStack upside down.

Currently, I have got TFTP servers and custom iPXE builds working. After some polishing, I will re-use the same scaffolding for the other half to build NomadOS images and providing them from static HTTPS servers.

Eventually, I will try and merge them into a multi-process app to save resources on Fly initially. But maybe it is reasonable to keep them apart, as the two halves provide two different services which are decoupled from each other, and each of them has its own life cycle. Scalability is less an issue, unless NomadOS should take off one day, maybe once HashiCorp releases HCP Nomad.

Your Terraform Provider for Fly will fit nicely with my other workflows over at Terraform Cloud.
I’ll PM you.