is offline - cannot proxy http request

I am also affected, as I mentioned here yesterday. It happened again today at 11:51 UTC.

Here is an excerpt from my logs.

2023-02-11T13:06:30.197 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:31.140 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:31.296 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:33.302 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:33.393 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:34.147 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:36.331 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:37.154 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:37.341 proxy[972c676b] arn [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 10)
2023-02-11T13:06:39.359 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:40.163 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:42.386 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:43.202 proxy[972c676b] ams [error] timed out while connecting to instance
2023-02-11T13:06:44.205 proxy[972c676b] ams [warn] Could not proxy HTTP request. Retrying in 1000 ms (attempt 40) 

The issue goes away temporarily after I flyctl vm restart my instances.