I just tried, and I can. If you can deploy this app, then we need to figure out what is different about your app. If you can’t, then there is something different about your network; perhaps there is a regional outage.
If I run fly regions list on my app, I get:
Region Pool:
Backup Region:
Let us know what region you get, and perhaps try deploying to iad. Not that that’s a fix; but just to help narrow down what the problem is.
This issue just started recently, I was able to deploy the app originally and deploy updates with my last update being about a month ago. I have not changed any of the deployment config since, just updated some of the application code.
No new config to docker or toml and no new gems. just some changes to controllers and views within rails.
Trying to deploy the minimal rails example it fails trying to install rails with error:
=> [2/5] RUN gem install rails 207.1s
=> => # ERROR: Could not find a valid gem 'rails' (>= 0), here is why:
=> => # Unable to download data from https://rubygems.org/ - Net::OpenTimeout: Failed to open TCP connection to rubygems.org:443 (execution expired) (https://rubygems.org/specs.4.8
=> => # .gz)
Unfortunately, I’m not a networking export; I doubt that this has anything to do with IPv6 as that would affect others, but rather some sort of connectivity issue between fly.io’s Singapore site and rubygem’s AWS. But as I said, I’m not a networking expert.
The key doesn’t seem to be where your app is deployed, but rather where the builder is run.
@BradChelly I started having this issue on Friday March 4th. My app was setup to run in the lax region (not sure if that matters) and still won’t deploy.
And I just tried deploying a brand new rails app to Denver and it failed also. I suppose it’s still using my same builder which is lax so that may be the issue.
Correct. I deleted it via the UI and when I did my next deploy it made a new one.
Interestingly, on a new app that I just “fly launched” I cannot get my builder to pop up in anything but lax (I’m trying dfw) so maybe the deletion trick isn’t as reliable as I thought.