Fly API returns 500 when running "fly launch"

When I try to launch a new app in Denver or Dallas with vCPU1 and 512MB, the fly launch command returns this error after running mix deps.get (it’s an Elixir app)

Error: returned error 500 Internal Server Error: {"errors":[{"message":"You hit a Fly API error with request ID: 01JF0CM5M8395TQ2Q2EV6805M7-ams","extensions":{"code":"SERVER_ERROR","fly_request_id":"01JF0CM5M8395TQ2Q2EV6805M7-ams"}}],"data":{}}

I ran into this issue too, but then got a clue while trying to launch through the new UI. During the “prepare deployment plan” step, it looks like it threw an error related to OTP 27: size_object: matchstate term not allowed.

Downgrading to OTP 26 fixed it for me.

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