Feature request: scale/autoscale details as part of `fly status`

As part of finding the right balance for my current set of systems, I’m using the fly autoscale, fly scale show, and fly status commands a lot. It would be great if the auto/scale set/count values could be incorporated into the status command:

$ fly status
  Name     = my-super-app-v1
  Owner    = my-super-app
  Version  = 172
  Status   = running
  Hostname = my-super-app-v1.fly.dev

Deployment Status
  ID          = 7bab5xxx-0101-0101-0101-bxd6xx77xxfb
  Version     = v172
  Status      = running
  Description = Deployment completed successfully
  Autoscale   = mode: balanced, min: 8, max: 16
  Instances   = 10 desired, 10 placed, 0 healthy, 0 unhealthy
  VM Size     = shared-cpu-1x
  VM Memory   = 512 MB

01010101 172     cdg    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        30m49s ago
02020202 172     cdg    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        31m3s ago
03030303 172     ewr    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        31m53s ago
04040404 172     ams    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        31m53s ago
05050505 172     sin    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        31m55s ago
06060606 172     fra    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 1        32m49s ago
07070707 172     ewr    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        32m49s ago
08080808 172     sjc    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        32m49s ago
09090909 172     sin    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        32m49s ago
10101010 172     ewr    run     running 2 total, 2 passing 0        33m21s ago

This seems reasonable, and should be a reasonably straightforward pull request on flyctl if you’re feeling ambitious. We’ve sort of confused things with info and status being separate commands, having a snapshot view like this is probably a good idea.