Feature Request: Minor Deploy and Machine page enhancements to improve debugging

I’m trying to track down some issues with deployments and I found myself wanting some easily addable info.

  • On the Machines page I can’t see what it’s running, some stopped machines might have older images and it’s helpful to know which ones to restart to debug a failed deployment.
  • On the Releases page I can’t see the process group for the machines, they will have different deploy behaviors and checks. Right now you have to copy ID’s and search the machine’s page.

And some harder stuff;

  • The “version” for a machine on the deployment page isn’t that helpful, the digest seems to be different on every machine, not match the release image digest, or include the release number. But maybe it has a common 6 character prefix?

I think the release number is the most useful thing to see for a machine, it makes it really easy to know if something got updated. However if “version” was consistent within a deploy (eg the image’s digest, release number or that 6 character prefix) then it help a human understand what’s going on.

And lastly I’m going to bikeshed on the nav. When viewing a detail page (eg a machine) and I click on the nav for that section (eg, “machines”) I expect to go back to the index page. Right now it does nothing. I have to go find the breadcrumbs or click on another section and then click back on the section I want.


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