Hi there,
I just migrated from Heroku because of a raft of issues with them (including the free tier disappearing).
The process was incredibly seamless.
I would like to request updating environment variables using the UI.
That was a really nice feature of Heroku that makes things easy!
+1 Fly should add a UI element for env
It has been asked before, but for secrets. Though, in that scenario, for Fly, security trumps dev-ex (rightfully so):
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Just to clarify. I used to use the ‘environment variables’ in Heroku which can be edited in the UI.
(perhaps it can be behind a certain permission?).
This would be extremely useful for setting up and changing. Seeing as the API call is already there it probably is not so much work! 
Or even just to overwrite what was there without having to boot up the command line!