Error: You are not allowed to create machines

I was trying to migrate my pg cluster to the new stack.

fly postgres create
? Choose an app name (leave blank to generate one): db2
? Select Organization: org
? Select region: Amsterdam, Netherlands (ams)
? Select configuration: Specify custom configuration
? Initial cluster size - Specify at least 3 for HA 3
? Select VM size: shared-cpu-2x - 4096
? Volume size 10
Creating postgres cluster in organization org
Creating app...
Setting secrets on app db2...
Provisioning 1 of 3 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.2@sha256:89f4feffa83925a4338736a4b4efc8ab6c871026d3497dfbc327b335927783c3
Waiting for machine to start...
Machine 6e8257ec373687 is created
Provisioning 2 of 3 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.2@sha256:89f4feffa83925a4338736a4b4efc8ab6c871026d3497dfbc327b335927783c3
Waiting for machine to start...
Machine 32873d9b004548 is created
Provisioning 3 of 3 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.2@sha256:89f4feffa83925a4338736a4b4efc8ab6c871026d3497dfbc327b335927783c3
Error failed to launch VM: You are not allowed to create machines

Hey @Elder,

Mind trying again?

hey @shaun it seems to be working now. Thanks. What was the issue?

hey @shaun!

I’m facing the same issue, I did find multiple discussions here in community support channels on this matter. Somewhere I’ve read that upgrading to paid plan should help :wink: So I did that (today) and emailed support 2 times… still didn’t hear back from you guys.

Please help :slight_smile: TY!

It’s a magic! While I was typing in my message here I got a reply from support team in my inbox. My issue was resolved. Upgrading worked :+1: TY!

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Hey @shaun,

We are facing the same issue, we tried to upgrade our billing plan to the launch plan and sent an email to support regarding this issue but we haven’t got any response yet.