Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: remote builder app unavailable

I have been using for the past few weeks without any issues and now when I want to deploy production app Im getting build error, I tried every suggestion that I could find here but nothing helps. App is in ams region but build is always created in fra region.

==> Building image
WARN Remote builder did not start in time. Check remote builder logs with `flyctl logs -a fly-builder-sparkling-fog-5830`
Error failed to fetch an image or build from source: error connecting to docker: remote builder app unavailable
2022-08-14T08:49:13Z runner[06e82939b3d187] fra [info]Pulling image failed
2022-08-14T08:49:14Z runner[06e82939b3d187] fra [info]Pulling container image
2022-08-14T08:49:14Z runner[06e82939b3d187] fra [info]Pulling image failed
2022-08-14T08:49:15Z runner[06e82939b3d187] fra [info]Pulling container image

I wonder if anything is up with the European regions … :thinking:

Only someone else said they can not pull images either:

If you have tried the other suggested fixes, if you have Docker locally maybe try using fly deploy --local-only. That will use a local Docker, if available. Rather than a remote builder.

Im also wondering if is smart to keep app on, imagine situation not being able to deploy bug fixes for production for days and no support…