error deploying

there was an outage earlier that is marked as resolved but still running fly deploy --local-only throws an error

Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error rendering push status stream: received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error

is it working for anyone?

evolved to another error

Error: failed to list VMs even after retries: context deadline exceeded

imo, this platform is so frustrating currently

My release commands are timing out:

Error: release command failed - aborting deployment. error running release_command machine: timeout reached waiting for machine to stopped failed to wait for VM

This has broken CI/CD pipe and I have no idea what to do. Equally frustrated!

I’m getting something similar:

Error: timeout reached waiting for machine to started failed to wait for VM 4d894d5a406487 in started state: Get “{....}&state=started&timeout=60”: net/http: request canceled

149note: you can change this timeout with the --wait-timeout flag
151Error: Process completed with exit code 1.

can someone at Fly help? Thanks in advance,

Can you share the output of LOG_LEVEL=debug fly deploy --local-only?

Can you run them with LOG_LEVEL=debug?

I can see that machine never managed to start up (potentially related to a corrupted docker image, not sure). I also see that your app is running normally now, right? Let me know if you need further help.

Same issue here

Error: release command failed - aborting deployment. error running release_command machine: timeout reached waiting for machine to stopped failed to wait for VM 28650eebed0948 in stopped state

API node.js
I have another issue related to the deploy :
and i have package-lock.json

 => ERROR [build 2/4] COPY --link package-lock.json package.json ./                                     0.0s
 > [build 2/4] COPY --link package-lock.json package.json ./:
Error: failed to fetch an image or build from source: error building: failed to solve: failed to compute cache key: "/package-lock.json" not found: not found

I ran with LOG_LEVEL=debug, here is the output:

deadline_exceeded: machine failed to reach desired state, stopped, currently created

the VM is obviously not starting - it worked fine last week. I see a bunch of emails in my mailbox “we fixed it”, but it is still not working.

Hey folks, sorry for the late update.

In my case, the issue seems to be caused by some platform change related to high availabiluty. I realized that the deploys started creating an additional machines for my app. This exceeded the machines limit because I also create a machine to ship logs to Logtail.

I managed to solve it by adding the --ha=false parameter to my deploy commands. See: App Availability and Resiliency · Fly Docs
