Downtime across many apps

I just got a bunch of notifications that about 4 apps are down. Any info on this @fly?


Error on this one app is:

getaddrinfo for app-name.internal failed: No address associated with hostname [redis://ap-name.internal:6379]

We have db cluster issues started about 15 minutes ago

ERRO[8746493] Error opening connection to database (postgresql:// ...
WARN	cmd/sentinel.go:276	no keeper info available
[WARNING] 040/111827 (571) : Server bk_db/pg1 is DOWN, reason: Layer4 timeout, check duration: 2001ms. 0 active and 0 backup servers left
[WARNING] 040/111800 (571) : Server bk_db/pg2 is DOWN, reason: Layer7 invalid response, info: "HTTP content check did not match"
[WARNING] 040/111804 (571) : Server bk_db/pg3 is DOWN, reason: Layer7 timeout, check duration: 5005ms.

seems to be resolved